
in partnership with Resurrection Church and Chinese Christian Church of Ottawa


grades 7 to 12 are welcome! DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, WE meet Fridays 7:00pm to 8:45pm at CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL, 798 LYON ST SOUTH (IN THE GLEBE), BETWEEN 3RD AVE & 4TH AVE

Youth are precious in God’s sight. They have a purpose in his plans. We believe they can be disciples of Jesus and walk faithfully with him.

For these reasons, Messiah Youth gathers weekly during the school term to enjoy games, Gospel-centered Bible teaching, snacks, fellowship and a time of prayer. Our youth leaders love the Lord and desire to see the youth grow in faith and in faithfulness.

*Please come in by the Third Avenue entrance (opposite the Glebe Community Centre).
Doors will be locked at 7:15pm so please come on time!

For more information or to register, please contact by clicking on the button below!

“Young [people], young [people], I wish you did but know the comfort of a conscience not burdened with a long list of youthful sins. These are the wounds that pierce the deepest. These are the arrows that drink up a man’s spirit. This is the iron that enters into the soul. Be merciful to yourselves. Seek the Lord early, and so you will be spared many a bitter tear.”

- J.C. Ryle in Thoughts for Young Men.